Coming to you today with a little sofa hack! The cushions on our outdoor sofa tend to sag after sitting against them for a while. I have to constantly flip them over and punch them a few times so they're back to their original cosy shape. It got me thinking, surely there is a better solution? I did some research and found I would have to fill the cushion with either expensive high density foam or stuf the cushions with batting. Neither of those appealed to me very much. But then I had an idea...all I needed was to inject a little filler. No, no not the cosmetic kind. A cushion filler! I raced to our linen cupboard, pulled out two cushion inserts and inserted them into the backs of the sofa cushions. Goodbye saggy sofa cushions, hello lush sofa cushions! Seriously, look how gorgeous they are! Honestly, I couldn't be happier. Read on to learn how to make your sofa cushions not sag. And make sure you watch this video here to see how you can make it happen.
Before & After
You Need
Cushion inserts (1 or 2 per sofa cushion depending on their size)
How To
Lay the sofa cushion flat and unzip it. Insert the cushion into the back of the sofa cushion, in between the fabric and the current sofa insert. Zip the sofa cushion closed.

Ta daaaa! It's so easy to give your sofa cushions a smooth, filler like injection in a matter of seconds.
And hopefully you won't have to spend any money on this hack! But if you do, I got my cushion inserts from Lincraft and they were super affordable. They range from $6 to $35. Honestly, I am so chuffed with how these turned out. The cushions look super lush and expensive now. In fact, this has definitely been a Cinderella moment!