Potato, Rosemary and Garlic Oil Skillet Focaccia

The lovely team at Solid Teknics recently gave us their BIGGA Pan and we have been so excited to rustle up some delicious meals using it. It's the most beautiful pan we've ever seen and we can confirm, it's an absolute pleasure to cook with. We love these pans so much that all our other pans have been collecting dust in the back of our kitchen cupboard since we made the switch to Solid Teknics last year; so being able to add the BIGGA Pan to our growing collection has been a real treat! We've been thinking about all the recipes we can make in this pan, and we'll soon be sharing the recipe for our Loaded Seafood & Chorizo Paella, but this week we decided to make a focaccia, skillet style.

In the past we've baked our focaccia's on a baking tray, but Solid Teknics pans are renowned for their even heating, which is really important when baking. And usually we do our focaccia dough proving in a bowl and transfer the dough after the second prove to a baking tray, but for this recipe, we decided to do our second prove in the BIGGA Pan, and it worked perfectly - you'll see below. It's a small tweak but for us, it's a game changer as it allows the focaccia to mould into the shape of the pan. I think what I loved most about baking our focaccia in this pan is watching the olive oil bubble in the dough holes in the oven, and enjoying the oily crunch on the bottom and top of the focaccia. Talk about gorgeous! 

There are so many ways to flavour focaccia, but from our time in Italy, we know not to push the boundaries past three different flavours. For this focaccia, we went with our favourite combination - potato, rosemary and garlic infused olive oil, with lots of sea salt and cracked pepper. The crunchy crust and the soft airy bread in the middle, mixed with lashings of garlic infused olive oil, crisp yet chewy finely sliced potato and rosemary needles, and seasoned with sea salt and cracked pepper, makes for a truly life changing focaccia experience that whisks us straight back to the little cafe we used to grab breakfast from under our Airbnb in Riomaggiore.

Read on for my Potato, Rosemary and Garlic Oil Skillet Focaccia recipe. You won't regret it!



Up to 2 hours 

- Prep takes 1 hour 30 mins and cook time is 20 to 30 mins


4 people



  • 1 sachet of active-dry yeast (7 grams)

  • 1 1/3 cup of warm water

  • 3 1/2 cups of all purpose flour

  • 1/4 cup garlic infused olive oil, plus more for drizzling

  • 1/4 cup olive oil or olive oil spray

  • Sea salt (we love Maldon Sea Salt)

  • Fresh sprigs of rosemary

  • 2 potatoes, finely sliced

  • Cracker pepper





  1. In a bowl add the warm water (you don't need a thermometer - just make sure it's not hot or cold), sprinkle the yeast on top and give it a quick stir to mix it in with the water. Let the yeast sit for 5 to 15 minutes until you can see the yeast activate and bubble in the water. It's so beautiful to watch!

  2. Using a mixer, set it to a low speed and pour in the yeast water. Gradually add the flour, garlic infused olive oil and 2 tablespoons of sea salt. It's really important you use natural flaked sea salt for maximum flavour. Continue mixing for until the dough is pulling away from the sides. If the dough is still sticky, don't be afraid to add in an extra 1/4 cup of flour whilst it's mixing.

  3. Once you're happy with the consistency of the dough, remove it from the mixing bowl and shape it into a ball using your hands (don't put the dough on a surface of any kind).

  4. In a separate bowl, grease the sides with a splash or spray of olive oil, then place the dough into the bowl. Cover the dough with a thin layer of olive oil to stop a crust forming while it's proving, and cover the bowl with a damp tea towel.

  5. Place the bowl in a warm location (such as a window or a laundry) and let it rise until it's doubled in size. This proving process can take anywhere between 45 to 60 minutes depending on how warm a day it is. If it's a cooler day, you may need longer proving time.

  6. Whilst the dough is proving, preheat your oven to 200° Celsius.

  7. Pour lashings of garlic infusedolive oil onto your baking tray or skillet. Once the dough has risen, place it onto your oiled baking tray or skillet, and pull the dough out until you've reached your desired thickness, or the edges of your baking tray or skillet. Some people like their focaccia thin, others like theirs thick. We are somewhere in the middle - about an inch and a half. Cover the dough again and let it rise again for another 30 minutes, or until it doubles in height.

  8. Once the second proving is done, use your fingers to poke deep dents into the dough all over the surface of the dough.

  9. Drizzle lots of garlic infusedolive oil onto the surface making sure it gets into all of the holes, then place the slices of potato on top.

  10. Sprinkle the dough with fresh rosemary needles and generously season with flaked sea salt and cracked pepper. And add extra lashings of garlic infused olive oil for good measure. It's essential!

  11. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes in the oven, or until the dough is slightly golden and cooked through. We actually love ours a little crunchier on the top.

  12. Pour more lashings of garlic infused olive oil on top, slice and serve warm! This is a bread which only lasts a couple of days or so, so get in there and devour it all up. Enjoy!


If you make my Potato, Rosemary and Garlic Oil Skillet Focaccia, or any other recipes on here, remember to tag me onInstagram @smorkitchen #smorkitchen. I love seeing what you cook!

Before Baking

After Baking


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