Creamy Homemade Basil Pesto

Basil pesto. A weekly staple in our fridge that has so many uses - pasta, eggs, meat, salad, bread - and truly takes a dish from good to great with a simple dollop. We recently bought a few bunches of basil from the supermarket, but completely forgot we had some at home in the garden. Instead of trying to throw basil in every single recipe for the next couple of weeks, I decided to make big batch and share my recipe with you here.

A food processor or a blender is a must. You just bung all the ingredients in, whizz it up until it's creamy, then season with salt, pepper and a freshly squeezed lemon wedge. So simple, so devious. Read on for my super simple Creamy Homemade Basil Pesto recipe.


  • 1 Clove garlic, peeled and roughly chopped

  • 1 Big bunch of fresh basil

  • 2 tbsp pine nuts, lightly toasted

  • 2 tbsp pecorino or parmesan cheese, grated

  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, may need more depending on how many basil leaves you have in your bunch

  • Sea salt, to season

  • Cracked pepper, to season

  • Wedge of lemon, deseeded and to season



  • Food processor or food blender



  1. Throw the garlic, basil, pine nuts, cheese and olive oil into the food processor and mix to combine.

  2. You may need to drizzle in some extra olive oil depending on how big your basil bunch is. If so, take it 1 tsp at a time. Once you put in too much oil, you can't come back from it.

  3. Feel free to add more pecorino or parmesan to suit your taste, I won't be offended. I don't think it needs it but you might.

  4. Add salt and pepper to season. Squeeze lemon juice into the pesto at the end to give it a little citrus zing. This is totally optional but I highly recommend!

  5. Enjoy with pasta, on sourdough toast, with scrambled eggs, on lamb, in a salad, on potatoes - the options are endless!


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